Saeth Am Gan Un nawn, Robin Goch A llais fel y gloch Ar frigyn berorai yr awel; Anghofiai ei hun Wrth geisio gwneyd dyn Pe medrai mor ddedwydd ag angel. Yr heliwr a ddaeth, Ei ganfod a wnaeth Gollyngodd lem saeth at ei galon, Ond aeth dros ei ben I galon y pren, A ffodd Robin bach i’r uchelion. A chwynodd yn flin, ” Un rhyfedd yw dyn, Gwnes bobpeth allaswn i’r heliwr ; Ond ceisio a wnaeth Fy mywyd a’r saeth, Ca Robin well parch gan ei Grewr.” Da iawn, Robin Goch, Mae’th eiriau fel cloch Rybuddiol yn galw cymdeithas I arfer ei dawn, Bob boreu a nawn I brisio a chofio cymwynas. | An Arrow for A Song One afternoon Red Robin, with a voice like a bell on a berry branch in the breeze he forgot himself trying to make a man as happy as an angel. Then a hunter came And found him right enough Firing a sharp arrow to his heart But it went over his head Right into the heart of a tree instead And little Red Robin fled up high He bitterly exclaimed “ Man is such a strange thing I did everything I could just to please But the Hunter only tried to end my life With an arrow! Robin would get better respect from his Creator” Well said Red Robin! Your words are like a warning bell To tell our worldly society We must value others’ gifts Each morning and night We should value and remember your help |
This short rhyming song was chosen by Gwyrosydd to appear in his third publication Aeron Awen Gwyrosydd (The Fruits of Gwyrosydd)- a simple piece on a theme popular with Daniel James of how man overlooks the gifts of others, preferring self-interest to the true bounty around him. A constant theme through Gwryosydd’s work.
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