Gwyrosydd’s Christmas poem (no title noted)

Gwyrosydd’s Christmas poem (no title noted)

I chwi Nadolig dedwydd iach,

Medd Calon Eglwys Mynyddbach;

Llawer gweddi dear o’r lle

Aethh ae eich rhan at orsedd Ne’,

Tra chwi’n cadw y gelynion

Draw o’n gwlad a gwaed eich calon.

Mae ein Mawl i’r nef yn esgyn

Am nerth a gawd i goncro’r gelyn,

Pan ddewch adref, yn cystadlu

Fyddwn am eich llaw i’w gwasgu:

Duw Ior wnelo’r byd yn ddoethach,

Ac na foed son am ryfel mwyach.


To you, a healthy happy Christmas

Says the heart of the church at Mynyddbach;

Many an earnest prayer from this place

Has gone on your behalf to the throne of Heaven,

While you were keeping the enemies

Away from our land with blood of your heart.

Our Praise ascends to heaven

For the strength that was had to defeat the enemy,

When you come home

We will be competing to press your hand;

May the Lord God make the world wiser

And there be no more talk of war.

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